Such things to report... Last weekend I had the great, good pleasure of meeting the Parental Unit and the sister up in P-town for a ginormous antiques and collectibles show. I managed to resist this Benjamin Franklin doll. I think Lincoln would have appreciated his presence, but Nixon probably would have started cussing and calling him a francophile. I did, however, get a great deal on some turquoise-blue Fire King plates. Most excellent.
The plates themselves made their debut with a visit from the always stylin' Chris and Becky, as well as Adam, resplendent in tie. Jeff, you were missed. Mmmm, the dinner.... Pulled pork, people! Hallelujah! We also all took a test from The Golden Compass movie site to figure out what our Daemons were. My Daemon is a Jackal named Calanon.... a Jackal for a Daemon and a Sea Otter for my corporate animal spirit (as determined by Ana). Most interesting. Anyone who has read any of the Dark Crystal series by Philip Pullman should check out this beautifully done site.
That is all for now.
Mine was Alvin. A Mouse!
My Daemon is Arion, the Mouse Daemon. I am sociable, humble, assertive, outgoing and competitive.
Sounds like a great time with spiffy plates. Wish I could have been there.
I had a good time too. Glad you guys could make it. And great plates too!
My Daemon is Artemis the spider. Go figure. Nice site though I would like to see more.
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