So, yes. We might have square danced this weekend. Might have square danced in costume. Yes, that's right. Costume. Can you handle that mental image? The evening was quite delightful. Fondu before, dressing as one of the 3 bears (I was Papa with the tie), square dancing.... do see do, swing your partner, roll the barrel (not kidding), see-saw- oh how the list goes on. There was even a proper Caller to lead the way and keep us on the right track. He was a larger man who wore Key overalls as one might expect if they were to take the time to imagine such an individual. He was impressive. Overall the music was fantastic, people danced with enthusiasm, and a migraine only slowed me down at the end. All in all, a good night.
Try it people, you might like it.
A law of science: cute girls in ties = even cuter.
From my perspective, I would have to approach square-dancing as a strange cultic ritual that might pose a threat to my tyrannical social order and need to be put down. In any case, I hope you had fun.
I did this once too. I was very uncertain going into it, but was carried away by the enthusiasm of the room. I haven't figured out how the bears fit in yet....
dv- the bears fit in because it was a Scare Dance! Duh!
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