
Its peanut butter jelly time!; or A product endorsement.

Peanut Butter mixer...

I make no secret of my love affair with Peanut Butter. I love peanut butter and all the wondrous things you can pair it with. Hell, Elvis even put it with pickles. I bring this up because I go through a lot of peanut butter and I prefer Adams, organic please. Anyone who has ever purchased this particular type of peanut butter (old fashioned) knows that you have to work for it. You've got to mix mix mix it up the first time you open it because the naturally occurring oil separates. I've always hated the mix mix mixing because it takes 5 minutes of attempts at stirring with oil slopping over the edge. Plus your hand can cramp. Its not fun. Anyhoo, for a while I wanted a peanut butter mixer. I know, I know. Its not very smart to buy kitchen appliances that only do one thing. But I had to.

I found my treasure at a kitchen store in downtown Seattle. I have warm feelings for this kitchen store because every time I purchased something there they always have information about using it. And if they don't, they say as much. The skeptical looking woman who helped me stated, "I can't vouch for this... but I would bet it works because it looks like it functions on the same principle as a dough hook." Good enough! I'm sold!

Now, I've only used the mixer once, but it handled everything beautifully. It will get used again this week I'm sure. If you are at all a lover of Adams peanut butter but hate the mixing, go get yourself one of these.

Peanut Butter RULES!

Old Fashioned PB Mixer


Jason said...

Why don't you just go to Whole Foods and use their grinder? This is what I do - much better than Adams (my old brand). I second it's peanuts, the next it's peanut butter. Can't beat it. Too much salt in Adams.

another kind of nerd said...

I've been posed this question before... I know I need to try it. For whatever reason I have an odd aversion to bins at grocery stores. And this fits into the bins world. I know there are stores that go through bulk items fast enough that everything is fine. But still.

kungfuramone said...

I so need one of those.

The Bandit said...

Glad it worked out for you!

Dolce Vita said...

That is a pretty cool gadget. And I'm glad you supplied photos because I was skeptical that it could get that really dry peanut butter that is always at the bottom in the corner of the jar. This looks like it would do the trick.

Esther K said...

This is COOL! Sur la tab by chance? We've been addicted to self serve ground honey roasted peanuts at Whole Foods! It is de-licious!!

another kind of nerd said...

City Kitchens, on 4th just south of Macy's.
