
poor high school photography; or, things I know, pt. 2

Last October I struck out on the open road for an afternoon while unemployed. I took with me a camera and the hope that a scene would present itself. Well... that and the hope that I'd soon have a job. Time for a revised "things I know" list.

  1. I've go mad photographic skills, yo! Uh, wait... My photographic skills haven't improved since high school, which means I'm a bad high school photographer.
  2. I still cook damn fine biscuits and gravy.
  3. October remains the greatest month on record.
  4. I will never title my resume on craigslist, "Help Me Help Myself."
  5. The anonymous voices from beyond the great padded walls of a cubicle that punctuate ambient office noise invariably sound like TV and movie characters. Of course, this is all predicated on the simple act of people surviving cut-backs....
  6. Academics are not the only ones who make up or appropriate words to suit their purposes. In a return to Reaganomics, the term "Right-Sized" was used as a proxy for "down-sized."
  7. The real world desperately needs Spring and Winter breaks (I don't want to push it with summer breaks).

1 comment:

Matto said...

Yumm, buscuits and gravy. I think I will need a refresher lesson when I am in Eugene next.