

I've got an In to take over the world and I didn't even know it. According to Pinky and the Brain, all I need to take over the world is a standard office microwave and powdered non-dairy creamer. I've got both of those things in spades at work. Of course, I don't work at a re-insurance company, critical to the Pinky and the Brain plan, but there's only so much I can do.
Perhaps my favorite Pinky and the Brain plan to take over the world involved Brain as a Country and Western singer named Bubba Beau Bob Brain. He hypnotized audiences with his singing prowess (imagine Brain's little mouse head on top of a normal man sized robot dressed in a pearl snap button shirt with an acoustic guitar). The plan was absolutely brilliant. In fact, I'm not convinced that Toby Keith isn't part of Brain's ultimate plan to take over. Because really, if he wasn't hypnotizing people to listen to his music would anyone actually give it the time of day? Perhaps Toby was a Pinky and the Brain fan. Maybe he's not as dumb as he appears....

Hey Brain, what are we going to do tonight?


A said...

We usually call Lucas Pinky & the Brain because of his perfect Pink nose and his endless efforts to rule over us...especially when we are sleeping, hence the cold calculated nature of his devious plans to *take over the world.*

Rachel said...

heh.... Toby Keith...


another kind of nerd said...

I can picture Lucas rubbing his little cat paws together as he formulated his plan take over the world whilst pacing back and forth over your sleeping selves.

Matto said...

"The same thing we do every night...try to take over the world!"