

To continue with entertaining things in miniature and add on fun moments in time I'll tell two stories.

There is an older woman who walks past my apartment complex with her little weiner dog. The dog does not require a leash and stays generally 5 feet in front of or behind the woman. Sometimes the little dog runs, which is not all together an easy thing to do for a dog so wildly out of proportion and small. I don't know if the dog adheres to the Golden Ratio, but I seriously doubt it.

Last night I saw someone crossing the street walking backwards and it stayed in my mind as a single frame, as a photograph. It was dark and the person was backlit by a streetlamp. My mind was left to fill in the blanks as to whether or not the backwards walking person was in fact speaking with someone behind them. I rather think the person was walking backwards for no particular reason other than the impulse to walk backwards.

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