
New Look

Okay people, as if I don't sit in front of a computer long enough, I got caught up making changes to my blog's look and feel. So, I burned through about 3 different layouts before I returned to where I started. Meh. I like it, what can I say. So I guess that means the only thing different is the color palette. Let me know what you think. Do you have to strain your eyes? How's the link color? Visited links? and so on and so forth. I'll gladly accept comments such as, "that looks like someone vomited on my screen."

I have to admit, I like the colors in theory. But in practice it seems a bit too, I don't know, precious. And lame. I've had the charcoal gray for so long, perhaps the memory is just interfering...

Anyway, I have another color scheme up my sleeve.

Over and out.


kungfuramone said...

This one is "fine," but hit us with your other scheme and take a poll.

The Bandit said...

I like the new color. But then again, I am precious so it could be why I like it. I think it is a very trendy color right now.

Dolce Vita said...

I like the color too. It is very pleasing and the links colors work well with it (and it makes the slide show of your pictures stand out).

boxfactoryboy said...

I agree with dolce vita. Although the black background was very good too. Easy to read, but I am not so sure it needs to be THAT easy.