
Blanket Netherworld

Be warned, this will be a slightly whiny post. I came back from Las Vegas with the Crud, some sort of chest congestion/coughing thing. While not elevated to the status of the Plague, it is quite annoying, particularly at night when the coughing really kicks into overdrive.

On to the point: all this lying awake and coughing at night really hammers home the fact that I'm in a blanket netherworld. Or paradox. One or the other. It's either too warm at night for my winter down OR too cold for my summer set up. This situation is only more confused by the fact that we had snow in the area less than 2 weeks ago. I fear there is some sort of evil inverse blanket/weather relationship at play. Completely illogical I know, but that's what lying awake at 3:00am and coughing will get you.


SuperJew said...

If it helps my dear, I think Michigan is in the same Netherworld. I'm either sweating or shivering in my sleep. It's jumped up and down 40 degrees here every other day it seems. I tried blasting my AC at night to keep some sort of consistent temperature but that just dried my throat out. Now I've got the whiny post huh? Hope you feel better soon!

Dolce Vita said...

So much for stuff staying in Vegas.

I hope you feel better.

Rachel said...

yup... it's either shivering or sweating, no happy medium. Hope you get some sleep....

Anonymous said...

My advise, get drunk before bed. A little wiskey and honey to help sooth things. And if that doesn't work then just drink more wiskey and pass out you'll not remember the night.

Trust in Steel said...

Feel better, engage in the joys of spring!

The Bandit said...

I like what anonymous had to say...it sounds like advice that I would give any day of the week for anything that ails you.